When I first painted my mandala series I had the goal of making a painting for each festival on the Celtic Wheel of the year and, if there was a month that wasn't lucky enough to have a holiday in it, then to paint a mandala to represent that month. Somehow I missed November. I have finally corrected that mistake and here is my November painting. (Yay!)
November is beautiful and its beauty seems to be mostly overlooked. From my house I see blue hills in the distance, closer at hand is Mt. Wantastiquet looking purple with it's leafless trees, the brush and edges of fields are yellow and orange, the grass is still green, close up trunks of trees are grey and the birches are slim white streaks against the darker background. I am enjoying this muted color while it lasts. Soon it will be white.
I made my first Instagram post in a few weeks today. I still haven't returned to Facebook. Instagram feels less jarring, but I was pretty happy avoiding both. It seems to be the best way to market artwork and keep in touch with friends and artists, so I'll continue for now.